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Self-Configuring Cloud Systems

Torque is a new kind of open-source framework for development operations that enables developers to achieve self-configuring systems across multiple deployments and cloud providers, including local development environments. It elevates work from the configuration level of HCL, YAMLs and scripts, to the level of architecture design, powered by code libraries.

What is Torque Cloud Framework?

Built specifically for managing cloud system architectures, Torque is a framework that, when installed in your codebase, helps to implement development operations for your architecture, the way you design it.

Instead of making changes to every deployment by editing static configuration files, you use simple commands that modify your architecture dependency graph.

Through installed code libraries that describe the components of your system, Torque turns each new change into concrete configurations across every cloud deployment and development environment.

Whenever you need to, install different open-source code libraries, fine-tune each implementation to suit your own needs, or write your own from scratch.

Torque Framework

Torque's capabilities allow you to:

  • operate on a higher design level, and with just a few commands add new applications or services that also know how to interconnect
  • install open-source code libraries that implement all stages of each component from development to build pipeline to deployment
  • get a head start by installing code libraries, without losing the ability to customize any way you want

Why Use Torque Cloud Framework?

Infrastructure as Code tools like Kubernetes and Terraform (and countless other services cloud providers now offer), are incredibly powerful for running cloud systems.

However, the level of complexity they introduce can be daunting for many teams, often creating technical debt accumulation, slowdowns, and roadmap disruptions for refactorings or rearchitecting.

Unlike static configurations, components are effectively self-aware and self-configurable, meaning your system can be built and deployed to any environment with any required functionality that your installed code libraries support.

You can even run any of your favorite tools (like Terraform), or deploy to your favorite platforms (like Kubernetes), through code libraries, so you gain their functional benefits without manually managing their configurations.

By installing different code libraries you can:

  • keep your local dev environments, build pipelines and deployments always in sync
  • use branch-based deployments
  • easily switch cloud providers
  • go multi-cloud
  • create hybrid dev environments (local + remote)
  • experiment with new technologies using just a few commands and easily undo changes
  • rely on your architecture dependency graph as a single source of truth to plan and execute changes

Because Torque is cloud agnostic, and can be adopted one component at a time, getting started does not require a significant change to your current architecture, preferred tools or development practices.

Open-source Github Repos

Torque-published packages are open-source and part of torque-packages monorepo:

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